Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I haven't forgotten you

After a two-month holiday hiatus, I'll be returning with a bang!  My dear friend Brian, who runs Cast Iron Therapy, has graciously allowed me to guest post about a family recipe that is particularly close to my heart.  We are currently editing the draft, so I'm not sure when it will go into the posting queue.  When it goes live, I'll make sure to give you guys the link.  I'm quite excited, and I hope you all will get a kick out of it!

My husband and I spent the last month back home in California, and have really enjoyed seeing friends and family for the holidays.  I think at this point I've been able to see almost everyone I wanted to make a point of seeing, and quite a few more.  We'll be flying back home on Thursday, and after that I expect to be posting regularly.

This year, I'd like to work on reducing our output and consumption of excess - trash, energy, food, and more.  I'm going to work on sourcing more things locally, and will be attempting to produce more of our own "stuff."  There will hopefully be quite a few post along these lines in the coming months.

I'm also going to finish that freaking adorable steam-punky outfit that I had all planned out right before I left.  That wont be until February, though, so don't hold your breath.

The upshot:  good things to come, I promise!

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